Plastic — The Enemy to Our Health, the Economy, and Our Wallets


New Studies Linking Sugar Free to Weight Gain


High Protein Chocolate Zucchini Loaf

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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals from Plastic Containers

If you're not familiar with EDCs (Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals), they're chemicals that can mess with our hormones and cause all sorts of health problems. And guess what? They're often found in food contact materials like plastic...

Why "Sugar- Free" Isn't Healthy

We know how harmful sugar can be... and so does the food industry. In order to continue to appeal to consumers, the food industry has created "sugar-free" alternatives to many popular products. In order to...

Hormone-Healthy Diet

One of the most important aspects of a hormone-healthy diet is balancing blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to insulin resistance, which can cause hormonal imbalances. Foods that are highly refined, high...

Are you hungry right after lunch?

The reason you are hungry so soon after eating could be because you didn’t eat enough fiber! Fiber keeps you feeling fuller for longer, so you won’t be HANGRY and reach for that bag of...

Guide: how to shop for hormone supportive foods

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “you are what you eat”, and this could not be closer to the truth! The food we eat turns into the materials for the body to use on a cellular...

Balance your hormones in 2023: Hormone Happy Starter Kit

Everyone is talking about balancing their hormones. But how do you actually do it? Having happy hormones is all about a larger lifestyle that includes nourishing foods, non-toxic products, and self-care. To make it easier...

WTF is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing is one of the buzzwords floating around on the internet right now.  Cycle syncing is defined as the practice of altering lifestyle habits, such as diet and exercise, according to the phase of...

Dessert Dilemma: Carbs vs Blood Glucose

Ever wonder why you may feel not-so-great about two hours after eating a yummy, sugary dessert? It's probably because the glucose caused an extreme rise in your blood sugar levels. With the holidays in full swing, we're...

Are protein bars healthy? 4 key things to look for in a protein bar

The protein bar market is huge. From keto-friendly to whey protein to “naturally-flavored”, there are tons of protein bars with crazy different ingredients and formulas. If you’re like me, sometimes it’s overwhelming to choose a...