How Do Your Hormones Fluctuate On Your Period?

How Do Your Hormones Fluctuate On Your Period?

The 28-Day Cycle

Women are constantly on a hormone rollercoaster. Our bodies are constantly preparing themselves to potentially produce a child each month, and this whole cycle is usually divided into two cycles, the follicular (proliferative) and luteal (secretory) phase. The brain and ovaries are constantly interacting to create hormone level changes throughout each menstrual cycle.


In each phase, our hormone levels, energy levels, mood, appetite, hair, skin, and a load of other symptoms vary. Basically, a large part of our mental and physical health. So it’s super important that we educate ourselves on menstrual cycles and hormone health so we learn how to take care of our bodies! It’s so incredible that our bodies naturally go through this “hormone rollercoaster”, so let’s break down what happens to our hormones during these two phases and how these fluctuations affect our bodies.



The hormone estrogen has many functions. In the ovaries, it helps stimulate the growth of the egg follicle. In the vagina, estrogen maintains the thickness of the vaginal wall and promotes lubrication. Estrogen enhances and maintains the mucous membrane that lines the uterus. It also regulates the flow and thickness of uterine mucus secretions. Lastly, the body uses estrogen in the formation of breast tissue. This hormone also helps stop the flow of milk after weaning.


Estrogen is a hormone that has some of the greatest effects on the body. Estrogen is in charge of stimulating secondary female characteristics (body composition, breast development, menstrual cycle, etc.). Other aspects of health, such as cholesterol levels, complexion, bone health, and mood stability, may also be affected.



The hormone progesterone helps to maintain pregnancy. The ovaries, the placenta (if a woman becomes pregnant), and the adrenal glands all create the hormone. It controls the regular menstrual cycle and aids in getting your body ready for conception and pregnancy. It also affects sex drive.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms like breast soreness, feeling bloated, and mood swings are believed to be partly caused by high progesterone levels. If you don't ovulate and have low progesterone levels as a result, you can skip a period.



Although testosterone levels in women are significantly lower than in men, testosterone is a key sex hormone for both sexes. It is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries, which are located directly above the kidneys.


Testosterone increases sex desire in women, helps them retain their muscle mass and bone density, and generally improves their sense of wellbeing and passion for life.


PHASE 1: FOLLICULAR (prepping for ovulation)

In this phase our bodies are preparing for an egg to be released for a potential pregnancy. This phase begins as bleeding stops and can last for 11 to 27 days, and averages 16 days.


What happens to hormones
This phase sees a sharp rise in progesterone and estrogen. Testosterone stays at a steady level, but it may rise toward the end of this phase.


What this means for productivity
You have heightened energy during this phase thanks to rising estrogen levels. It’s a good time to learn and the drive to succeed may be higher.



This phase occurs in the middle of your cycle and is when an egg is released. It usually lasts for only 24 hours, but the high levels of estrogen and testosterone can make this a noticeable part of your cycle for 3 to 4 days.


What happens to hormones
Both estrogen and testosterone peak in this phase. Progesterone takes a dip and then begins to rise slowly at the end of ovulation.


What this means for productivity
The hormonal peak of testosterone gives you outward-focused energy, while the estrogen peak makes you feel energetic and proactive.



The luteal phase occurs when the egg isn’t fertilized. The uterus is preparing to shed its lining with an upcoming period. This phase tends to last anywhere from 12 to 14 days in most folks.


What happens to hormones
Both estrogen and progesterone rise (especially progesterone, which reaches its highest peak) before falling dramatically at the end of this phase.
Progesterone has a calming effect, meaning that your mind will probably be a little lower than it was in the previous weeks.


What this means for productivity
Productivity levels are low. It’s a natural winding-down time for reflection and intuition. The end of this phase is associated with PMS. You might feel like cocooning in your room, reaching for comfort foods, and tearing up at a rom-com.





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